Pan and Syrinx, The Wind in the Reeds

Art, Culture

A parcel of straws Flutes are one of the most ancient musical instruments in the world. They were made with any material at hand: hollow bones of small birds, clay,  reeds, bamboo, straw. From early times they were the instruments of shepherds and country folk. But the humble flute was also endowed with magical powers in […]

Diana, The Independent Goddess of the Moon


Diana was the ancient Roman goddess of the moon, hunting, and nature. As the divine personification of the moon itself, Diana was considered a virgin goddess and protector of women. She was often depicted in art as a beautiful huntress, carrying a bow and arrow. The crescent moon became one of Diana’s primary symbols.  Diana’s […]

Yawkyawk and the Water Lilies


The yawkyawk are guardians of fresh waters. They have the upper part of a young woman and the lower part of a fish. They are worshiped by the Aboriginal people of the Western Arnhem Land, Northern Territory, Australia where water lilies thrive. Discovering the importance of cross-cultural ecology Darwin was puzzled by the appearance of […]

Mielikki and the Mythical Otso – More Than Just a Bear Story!


Spinning A Celestial Tale: The Birth of Otso Mielikki, the Finnish forest goddess, has always shared an enchanting connection with all forest creatures, but none more so than with Otso, the first bear ever created. The intriguing tale of Otso’s birth comes from the 19th-century epic poem, Kalevala. According to the Kalevala, Otso was born […]

I got my peaches out in Kunlun!


Get ready to jump feet first into the vibrant world of Chinese culture, where peaches aren’t just fruits – they’re the keys to an epic realm of legend and symbolism. Imagine this: the Kunlun mountains, those mystical peaks, home to Xiwangmu, the Mother Queen of the West. She’s like the ultimate cosmic gardener, tending to […]

Under the Starry Cloak of Egyptian Goddess Nut


Nut was the ancient Egyptian goddess depicted as a naked woman arched over the earth, representing the sky. Her star-speckled body created the Milky Way, while her hands and feet touched the four cardinal points. As the sky goddess, Nut swallows the sun in the evenings and gives birth to it each dawn. According to […]

Flowers and Faith: Introducing Xochipilli, the Aztec god of flowers


Xochipilli was the Aztec god of flowers, beauty, art, and dance. Often portrayed as a young man adorned with flowers and feathers, his name meant “Flower Prince” in Nahuatl. As patron of artists, Xochipilli encouraged the creation of poetry, song, and dance. He represented the pleasures found in relaxation and sexuality. Under his influence, Aztecs […]

Ancient Gods Resurrected as Digital Champions, Welcome to Heroji!


Heroji is an extraordinary NFT collection that unites the ancient gods from diverse cultures around the world in a powerful quest to protect and restore our environment. Harnessing the transformative potential of Web3 technology, these heroes have risen from the annals of history as digital assets, ready to collaborate with us in safeguarding our planet […]