The Inspirational Spiral of the Pachamama

Spirals are everywhere Inca gods are represented by statues but also by symbols, some of which are quite obvious: Inti, the Sun, is a golden disk with rays. It is perhaps more difficult to understand why Pachamama, the Earth goddess, is figured by a spiral. Spirals were already a common symbol in Prehistoric rock art […]

Legends of Fujin, Japan’s Unpredictable Wind God
Culture, Heroes

Fujin is the powerful Shinto god of wind revered in Japan. He is depicted as a demonic, green-skinned man with a snarling face and wild hair, carrying a large bag of winds on his shoulders. As god of the wind, Fujin has control over storms, typhoons, and tornadoes. His fierce gusts could destroy homes and […]

Pan and Syrinx, The Wind in the Reeds
Art, Culture

A parcel of straws Flutes are one of the most ancient musical instruments in the world. They were made with any material at hand: hollow bones of small birds, clay,  reeds, bamboo, straw. From early times they were the instruments of shepherds and country folk. But the humble flute was also endowed with magical powers in […]

Xochipilli and The Dance of The One Day Butterfly
Art, Culture

The Aztec god Xochipilli is associated with four animals, the mischievous monkey, the hocco, the royal Eagle but most of all, the butterfly, which is fitting with  his name of Flowerprince (xochi: flower; pilli: prince). We shall see that the butterfly has for the Aztecs like for other cultures many symbolic meanings and we shall […]

Are NFTs a New Way of Appropriating Indigenous Cultures?
Art, Culture

Brass Olokun and digital Olokun. The Yoruba sea-god enters the metaverse. Are NFTs a new way of appropriating indigenous cultures or a bridge between traditional and digital art? Appropriation is not appreciation! Homo sum et humani nihil alienum a  me puto (I am a human being and therefore nothing human is strange to me) The […]

Are NFT Collections the Serial Killers of Art?
Art, Creativity

Egyptian Goddess Nut: A Recurrent Figure in the Work of Nancy Spero / Her Digital Avatars by Anaïs Zhang. “Only a machine can appreciate a sonnet written by another machine.” – R. Queneau A comparison of the work of two artists on the same mythological figure will allow us to analyze some aspects of the […]

Surya, Symbol of Energy and the Cycle of Time

Surya is the Hindu god of the sun who brings light and warmth to the world each day. He is portrayed as a reddish-gold figure, often riding a chariot pulled by seven horses or one horse with seven heads. Surya holds two lotus flowers, representing the unfolding of life and consciousness. References to Surya date […]

Diana, The Independent Goddess of the Moon

Diana was the ancient Roman goddess of the moon, hunting, and nature. As the divine personification of the moon itself, Diana was considered a virgin goddess and protector of women. She was often depicted in art as a beautiful huntress, carrying a bow and arrow. The crescent moon became one of Diana’s primary symbols.  Diana’s […]

Yawkyawk and the Water Lilies

The yawkyawk are guardians of fresh waters. They have the upper part of a young woman and the lower part of a fish. They are worshiped by the Aboriginal people of the Western Arnhem Land, Northern Territory, Australia where water lilies thrive. Discovering the importance of cross-cultural ecology Darwin was puzzled by the appearance of […]

Olokun and the Chameleon: Reflections on Troubled Waters

The Story Olokun challenges sky god Olorun to a weaving contest. The supreme god does not wish to compete personally so he sends his messenger, Agemo, the Chameleon to take his place. Each time Olokun appears in a splendid attire, the chameleon is able to mirror the hues and intricate patterns. Olokun is outwitted and […]

I got my peaches out in Kunlun!

Get ready to jump feet first into the vibrant world of Chinese culture, where peaches aren’t just fruits – they’re the keys to an epic realm of legend and symbolism. Imagine this: the Kunlun mountains, those mystical peaks, home to Xiwangmu, the Mother Queen of the West. She’s like the ultimate cosmic gardener, tending to […]


September 2024
