Pan and Syrinx, The Wind in the Reeds

Art, Culture

A parcel of straws Flutes are one of the most ancient musical instruments in the world. They were made with any material at hand: hollow bones of small birds, clay,  reeds, bamboo, straw. From early times they were the instruments of shepherds and country folk. But the humble flute was also endowed with magical powers in […]

Xochipilli and The Dance of The One Day Butterfly

Art, Culture

The Aztec god Xochipilli is associated with four animals, the mischievous monkey, the hocco, the royal Eagle but most of all, the butterfly, which is fitting with  his name of Flowerprince (xochi: flower; pilli: prince). We shall see that the butterfly has for the Aztecs like for other cultures many symbolic meanings and we shall […]